Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship internationally?

Currently, we only ship within the United States. If you live outside of the United States and would like to purchase a piece of art from our store, please contact us and we will see if we can make it happen!

Do you accept returns?

All of our items are made to order. Because of this we are unable to accept returns or exchanges. All sales are final.

Can I cancel or change my order?

Because we work with a separate company to print and frame your order, we cannot make any adjustments once the order is placed. Please double check all of your information is correct before placing your order.

My order was damaged. What can I do?

If your order was damaged during shipping, please send clear photos to us within 24 hours of receiving shipment for evaluation and to see what next steps need to take place. We work with a secondary print and framing business and cannot guarantee how they will proceed to replace your item. We will do everything we can on our end to help rectify the situation, but cannot make any guarantees.

When will my order ship?

All of our items are made to order. Please allow 14 days for your item to ship. Once your item is shipped, we will send you a shipping confirmation.

Do you offer a trade or affiliate program?

Yes, we do! We offer a trade program for Interior Designers. Affiliates are accepted on a case by case situation. Please email for information.

Other questions? Email us at